A Rifle and A Bag
Feature-Length Competition

Somi dan suaminya berjuang untuk membentuk identitas baru setelah berjuang bersama Naxalites, sebuah kelompok gerilya komunis yang telah berperang melawan negara bagian India sejak tahun 60-an. Setelah satu dekade perjuangan bersenjata untuk hak-hak komunitas suku mereka, pasangan itu meninggalkan gerakan dan menyerah kepada polisi. Sejak saat itu, mereka berusaha mendidik putra mereka dan mendamaikan masa lalu mereka yang penuh kekerasan dengan keinginan untuk berintegrasi ke dalam masyarakat India.
Tim Produksi
Arya Rothe
Arya Rothe is an Indian documentary filmmaker. She studied at FAMU in Prague before enrolling at DocNomads. She graduated in 2016. Her graduation film, Daughter’s Mother, premiered at DOK Leipzig 2018. She is a founder of NoCut Film Collective, together with fellow DocNomads graduates Cristina Hanes and Isabella Rinaldi. A Rifle and A Bag (2020) is the collective’s first documentary feature.
Cristina Hanes
Cristina HANES (1991, Romania) graduated from DocNomads in 2016. Her 2017 short documentary António and Catarina won the Pardino d’Oro for Best International Short Film at Locarno Film Festival. She founded NoCut Film Collective, together with fellow DocNomads graduates Isabella Rinaldi and Arya Rothe, in 2016. A Rifle and a Bag (2020) is the collective’s first documentary feature.
Isabella Rinaldi
Isabella RINALDI was born in Rome. She finished her bachelor’s in Film Studies here at the Sapienza University before enrolling at DocNomads. She co-directed the short Meta Librino in 2013. In 2016, she founded NoCut Film Collective with fellow DocNomads students Arya Rothe and Cristina Hanes. A Rifle and a Bag 2020) is the collective’s first documentary feature.
2021 - Ponnani International Film Festival
2020 - Busan International Film Festival
2020 - Visions du Reel
2020 - Thessaloniki Documentary Festival
2020 - One World Romania
2020 - International Film Festival Innsbruck (Special Mention of the Jury)
2020 - International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR) (Special Mention of the Jury)