What Did You See… (2023): Hidden Memory in a Photograph

— Film Review
FFD 2024

Photographs are not just a medium to capture moments, but also to preserve memories and shape a narrative that can be distorted. Director Mahardika Yudha conveys this in his 10-minute documentary. He utilizes images of colonialism during the Dutch East Indies in Malay lands—Johor, Dili, and Langkat in the 1880-1890s. The photographs reveal the masculinity of colonial men in the middle of plantations, with indigenous workers in the background.

The film opens with a simple question, “What do you remember from that photo? What do you see?” This question prompts the audience to reflect on how a photograph can create different interpretations of reality. What is seen on the surface could be an illusion, a narrative deliberately shaped by the camera and technology of the colonial era.

Throughout the film, we are presented with the realization that documentation is not neutral. These colonial photographs may appear to highlight the strength and glory of European men, but behind them lies subtle manipulation. The colonizers, with complete control over photographic technology, were able to control how they wanted to be remembered: dashing, superior, indomitable. The film’s narrator reminds us, “You have many choices and possibilities. It’s up to you to choose what you want.” However, can all those images change the scene when these photographs were created?

Through What Did You See and What Will You Remember? (2023), director Mahardika Yudha raises critical questions about how history is shaped and revisited. The photographs shown are not just visual evidence, but tools to create narratives that benefit certain parties. The film again closes with a question, “What do you want to see from that photo? What do you want to remember from that photo?”, making the audience more aware that the memories we choose to keep are surely subjective. (FadliAwan) (Ed. Vanis) (Trans. Naufal Shabri)


Film Details
What Did You See and What Will You Remember?
(Apa yang Kamu Lihat? Apa yang Akan Kamu Ingat?)
Mahardika Yudha | 11 Min | 2023 | Banten, Indonesia
In Competition for Short Competition
Festival Film Dokumenter 2024

Screening Schedule
Nov. 3 | 13:00 WIB | IFI-LIP
Nov. 5 | 13:00 WIB | Militaire Societeit, TBY